Software and Tools

The software and tools developed at TOMNET are listed below and are readily available to the public. Click on each link for further code, usage instructions, and examples.

TOMNET Wellbeing Platform

The TOMNET Wellbeing Platform is an open-source tool that allows users to track how changes in activity and time use patterns have impacted the wellbeing of various population groups on a year-to-year basis. By doing so, it can also reveal equity issues that may exist in society. The platform is based on three wellbeing indicators: WBEAT, a subjective wellbeing indicator that measures an individual’s overall satisfaction with their daily activities; a time poverty indicator, which assesses whether individuals have sufficient time for leisure and discretionary activities; and a zero trip-making indicator, which identifies individuals who do not make any trips outside the home on a given day, potentially indicating social isolation and decreased wellbeing.

These three indicators used in the TOMNET Wellbeing Platform can be applied to different transportation contexts to assess the impact of transportation investments and policies on the quality of life for all segments of society. The platform is open-source and uses data from the American Time Use Survey, a nationally representative survey of individuals in the United States that collects information on how people spend their time.

The TOMNET Wellbeing Platform can be accessed using this link.

Time Use, Travel, and Telework Dashboard (T3D)

The Time Use, Travel, and Telework Dashboard (T3D) is an open-source platform designed to offer insights into time use, travel, and telework trends and patterns within the United States. This platform was developed with support from the Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks (TOMNET) and the Center for Understanding Future Travel Behavior and Demand (TBD), both of which are University Transportation Centers funded by the US Department of Transportation.

T3D aims to make data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) accessible to researchers, planners, policymakers, and the public, facilitating the democratization and wider utilization of publicly available datasets. The dashboard features three specific pages focused on Time Use, Travel, and Telework, enabling users to explore patterns and trends. T3D uses preprocessed ATUS data series and offers the ability to conduct both within and between-year as well as cross-segment analyses for a detailed understanding of evolving trends in how Americans spend their time. It also includes tools for tailoring analyses to various population subgroups and market segments.

The T3D website can be accessed via this link.

PopGen: The Synthetic Population Generator

The latest version of PopGen is available at this link with information about usage instructions and demonstrations.