
The following data sets have been made publicly available in accordance with the TOMNET mission to enable reproducibility of results, comparison of alternative approaches, novel applications, and new scientific developments.

TOMNET Transformative Transportation Technologies (T4) Survey

New transformative technologies are bringing disruptive changes to the transportation landscape. Multimodal mobility-as-a-service and shared mobility services are becoming available across most places. Autonomous vehicles are being tested on public roads and enlightening an efficient, safe, and smart transportation for the future. However, these technologies’ adoption and adaptation pathways are not clear among various groups of the population nor their potential side-impacts on sustainability and equity of the transport system. The TOMNET Transformative Technologies in Transportation (T4) Survey focuses on collecting data about attitudes, perceptions, and choices towards new mobility services, such as ridehailing services and autonomous vehicles to help shape the policy and planning efforts of the future transport system. Read more…

The COVID Future Survey

Virtually overnight, a large fraction of U.S. households has transitioned from a reality of long commutes to telecommuting, from in-person to online classes and business meetings, and from in-store to online shopping – even for groceries. Many of these changes were happening already, but COVID-19 has pressed the fast-forward button. After the threat of contagion is gone, to what extent will American society “go back” to our pre-COVID-19 way of life? Knowing the answer to this question is critical for making good business and policy decisions. We are conducting a national survey with the goal of gathering real data to begin to understand what the future may hold. The COVIDFuture Survey Project is led by Arizona State University and University of Illinois Chicago, and sponsored by NSF Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS) program through a Collaborative RAPID grant (Awards 2029962, 2030156) and USDOT through the TOMNET University Transportation Center. Read more…