Research Projects
TOMNET researchers are engaged in cutting-edge research projects to advance the state of the art and the state of the practice in measuring and understanding traveler attitudes, values, perceptions, and preferences, and using such data to improve the ability of travel demand forecasting models to predict activity-travel behavior, mobility choices, and time use patterns under a wide variety of future scenarios. The completed and ongoing TOMNET projects are listed below by partner institution. TOMNET researchers welcome input and support in executing the research, education, and technology transfer mission of the center.
Arizona State University
Year: 2023-2024
- The Induced Demand Implications of Alternative Adoption Modalities of Automated Vehicles
- Understanding the Impacts of Extreme Heat on Human Activity-Mobility and Time Use Patterns
- Strong Interest in Car-Free Living in the United States: Findings from a Nationwide Survey
Year: 2022-2023
- Does Ridehailing Use Affect Vehicle Ownership or Vice Versa? An Exploratory Investigation of the Relationship Using a Latent Market Segmentation Approach
- An Analysis of Changes in Time Use and Activity Participation in Response to the COVID-2019 Pandemic in the United States: Implications for Well-being
- Access to Food in a Severe Prolonged Disruption: The Case of Grocery and Meal Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Multidimensional Analysis of Willingness to Share Rides in a Future of Autonomous Vehicles
- Evolution of Mode Use Due to COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States: Implications for the Future of Transit
Year: 2021-2022
- The Influence of Mode Use on Level of Satisfaction with Daily Travel Routine: A Focus on Automobile Driving in the United States
- Assessing the Impact of Ridehailing Service Use on Bus Ridership: A Joint Modeling Framework Accounting for Endogeneity and Latent Attitude
- The Stability of Transport-Related Attitudes over Time: A Case Study During COVID-19
- Expected Change in US Air Travel After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Year: 2020-2021
- Real-Time Transportation Social Media Analytics Using Pulse (Pulse-T)
- Computational Graph-based Framework for Integrating Econometric Models and Machine Learning Algorithms in Emerging Data-Driven Analytical Environments
- How Will Use of Autonomous Vehicles for Running Errands Affect Future Autonomous Vehicle Adoption and Ownership?
- The Effect of Survey Methodology on The Collection of Attitudinal Data
- Interaction of Familiarity, Safety Perceptions, and Willingness to Use Autonomous Vehicles in A Structural Equation Modeling Framework
- Investigating the Contributing Factors to Willingness to Share Automated Vehicles with Gender Focus
Year: 2019-2020
- Attitudes Towards Emerging Mobility Options and Technologies – Phase 3: Survey Data Compilation and Analysis for Phoenix, AZ
- Causal Relationships Between Transportation Attitudes and Behaviors: Uncovering Latent Segments within a Heterogeneous Population
- Consumer Attitudes and Behavioral Implications in the New Era of Shared Mobility
- Emerging Approaches to Autonomous Vehicles in Transportation Policy and Planning
- Investigating Attitudinal and Behavioral Changes in U.S. Households Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Development of an Integrated Model System of Transport and Residential Energy Consumption
Year: 2018-2019
- Attitudes Towards Emerging Mobility Options and Technologies – Phase 2: Data Collection in Phoenix, AZ
- A Comparison of Vehicle Miles of Travel Between Two Generations: Millennials versus Generation X
- Heterogeneity in the Relationship Between the Built Environment and Bicycling
- How Important Are Attitudes in Travel Behavior Models? A Comprehensive Review
- The Role of Transport in How We Choose Where to Live: A Qualitative Investigation of Residential Location Choice in the Phoenix, AZ Region
Year: 2017-2018
- Attitudes Towards Emerging Mobility Options and Technologies – Phase 1: Survey Design for Phoenix, AZ
- An Integrated Model of Activity-Travel Behavior and Subjective Well-being
- Assembling Integrated Data Sets for Analyzing Connections Between Travel Behavior, Attitudes, and The Built Environment
Georgia Institute of Technology
Year: 2023-2024
Year: 2021-2022
- Drivers’ Attitudes Toward Rerouting: Impacts on Network Congestion
- What Is the New Normal? An Analysis of Post-COVID-19 Commute and Work Patterns
Year: 2020-2021
- Response Willingness in Consecutive Travel Surveys
- Mode Substitutional Patterns of Ridehailing and Micro-mobility Services
Year: 2019-2020
Year: 2018-2019
- Attitudes Towards Emerging Mobility Options and Technologies – Phase 2: Data Collection in Atlanta, GA
- Latent Vehicle Type Propensity Segments: Considering the Influence of Household Vehicle Fleet Structure
Year: 2017-2018
University of South Florida
Year: 2021-2022
- An Empirical Assessment of the Role of Attitudes and Identification in Safety Research
- Addressing Potentially Missing Relevant Information on Attitudes and Other Behavioral Elements as Unobserved Heterogeneity in Highway Safety Studies
- An Exploratory Analysis to Estimate the Value of Free Charging Bundle in Electric Vehicle Purchases
- Exploration of the Relationships between Leisure Activity Participation Frequency and Social Capital
Year: 2019-2020
- Attitudes Towards Emerging Mobility Options and Technologies – Phase 3: Survey Data Compilation and Analysis for Tampa, FL
- An Exploration of Contemporary Issues in Highway Safety, Evolving Transportation Alternatives, and Activity and Travel Behavior Modelling
Year: 2018-2019
- Attitudes Towards Emerging Mobility Options and Technologies – Phase 2: Data Collection in Tampa, FL
- Emerging Econometric and Data Collection Methods for Capturing Attitudinal and Social Factors in Activity and Travel Behavior Modeling
Year: 2017-2018
University of Washington
Year: 2022-2023
- Grid-Aware Robust Fast-Charging Station Deployment for Electric Buses Under Socioeconomic Considerations
- Incorporating Mobility on Demand Into Public Transit in Suburban Areas: A Comparative Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness
Year: 2021-2022
Year: 2020-2021
- Attitudes and Trust in Leveraging Integrated Sociotechnical Systems for Enhancing Community Adaptive Capacity – Phase IV